Stainless Steel versus Aluminum Props
- Terry Brown
- Apr 05, 2012

Many anglers/boaters get confused on which prop material is best. Many boats come from the factory equipped with aluminum propellers. Aluminum propellers do have some advantages. They are relatively inexpensive and suitable for general purpose use.
For better overall performance, stainless steel propellers are a better choice. Stainless steel propellers are more expensive, but are far stronger and more durable than aluminum. The same engine equipped with a stainless steel prop in lieu of the factory rigged aluminum can immediately see a better hole shot and overall top end speeds even if both props are the same pitch. There is also minimal prop flex even at top speeds with stainless.
If you are looking to improve the performance of your boat, upgrading to a stainless steel propeller can be one of the most cost-effective ways to get better handling, acceleration or top speed out of your boat. Most outboards can be equipped with stainless props. Contact a reputable dealer versed in performance. They will be able to tell you which pitch and material prop is best for your outboard and your type of fishing.
A question often asked by boaters is “Will a stainless steel propeller damage my lower unit in the event of an underwater impact?” Testing has proven there is no substantial difference in the amount of torque transferred to the propeller shaft between an aluminum and stainless steel propeller. That makes the buying decision easy.
If you can afford it, stainless steel is the way to go in propellers. Check out this great video below from Shaw Grigsby on the differences.