Best Weedless Wacky Rig and Colors for Spring Bass

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So on to the best soft plastic riggings and colors for springtime bass — a loaded topic for Gerald “GMAN” Swindle, as regional preferences are many, but the boss shares some genius that will help you catch more bass this spring (and beyond). Swindle starts by sharing his go-to wacky rigging setup when fishing around cover (namely grass and wood). His “Texas rig wacky rig(a slight misnomer, but we like it! ) adds a pegged bullet weight to an otherwise weedless setup, which delivers faster fall rates and accuracy, a plus around the spawn.

Wacky Worm Setup
Floating Worm Setup

In addition to his terminal tackle setup, Swindle discusses why he prefers wacky rigging with a Trick Worm over a standard stickbait. Color can also have a significant impact when wacky rigging in the spring, with natural colors being a safe all-around bet and shades of red performing well during low light. Swindle’s color preference shifts to brighter colors when fishing floating worms. He prefers shad-imitating colors in hues of white when fishing floating worms and flukes.

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