Missing Angler’s Body Recovered on Center Hill Lake

UPDATE (12:45 p.m.): The body of Scott Northrup, 66, of Silver Point, Tenn. was recovered Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018 by the TWRA approximately 100 yards from where his boat was found adrift. 

Northrup’s body was found in 34 feet of water with the aid of sonar and underwater cameras to help Smithville-Dekalb County Rescue Squad in the recovery efforts.

Original story:

TWRA officials confirmed that a search began Wednesday evening, Jan. 10, 2018 around 5:30 p.m. on Center Hill Lake for missing angler Scott Northrup of Silver Point, Tenn. Northrup went fishing yesterday, launching out of the Hurricane Marina. His truck and boat were found parked at the ramp. His boat was found floating in the Florida branch at around 7:30 p.m. Wednesday night.

Search resumed Thursday morning for Northrup. Northrup, 66, is the faculty advisor for the Tennessee Tech bass fishing team. 

TWRA is searching along with the Dekalb County Sheriff’s Office and the Dekalb County Search and Rescue squad.

We’ll update as soon we have any information about the search today.

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