KY Biologists Optimistic about Carp Eradication Plan

I wrote an article back in April about what is going on at Kentucky Lake because people were so doom and gloom on the carp and the fishing on Kentucky Lake. Part of the intent of the article was to calm people down, but it was also to shine a light on the massive scale of the carp problem on this fishery. Since the article, Elite Series anglers, FLW Tour anglers, FLW officials have spoken out publicly and lobbied in congress and a lot of local business have come together to get financial support coming into the problem now not only financially, but more importantly to me, in communication. 

The Western District Fisheries office of the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife has been especially active and vocal about efforts on the lake and I applaud them not only on the efforts but listening to anglers on the lake and communicating with them. If you fish on these lakes you should follow their facebook page.

Please Watch This is a great video from them on how the data and their testing this year gives them a ton of optimism that they are going to be able to make significant impacts on the numbers of carp on Kentucky and Barkley Lakes. Adam Martin came and spoke at a recent open house and I thought he did a great job presenting data and putting the fishing in perspective with data from years past. It was pretty eye opening to me. We will try to share those presentations as well if he will let us. 

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