Kayak Bass Fishing Cheater Busted

Fishing tournament cheating has unfortunately made its way into the kayak bass fishing world. 

The Kayak Bass Fishing Series is a popular tournament fishing circuit for kayak anglers. Because these boats are not equipped with livewells, anglers photograph their fish on a measuring board and submit their catch—in inches—to the tournament officials. 

Following the Dale Hollow Lake Open, the management staff discovered the winning angler had altered his measuring board to make his fish appear longer than they actually were. Essentially, it extended the length of a fish approximately four total inches.

The cheater was disqualified from the event, stripped of his earnings and banned from the Kayak Bass Series indefinitely. The KBS staff is looking into additional actions as well so the angler will be dealt with “to the maximum extent possible.”

We’re all tournament anglers at Wired2Fish and we’d like to extend our sincere gratitude to the Kayak Bass Series staff. It’s great knowing these tournament organizations are looking out for their participants and aggressively dealing with cheaters. Well done! 

We do not enjoy reporting this type of news, but we would be doing an enormous disservice to millions of honest anglers if we ignored it. If this problem is not addressed and made public, it will be impossible to fix it and we are committed to preserving the integrity of this sport. 

Click below for more fishing tournament cheating stories: 

Fishing Tournament Cheaters Stopped [VIDEO]

Angler Caught Cheating in Big Bass Tournament in Texas

Cheater Caught at BFL on Lake Wylie

Fishing Tournament Cheaters Busted on Lake Guntersville

Guntersville Fishing Tournament Cheaters Sentenced

Another Alleged Cheater in Fishing Tournament

Fishing Tournament Cheater Pleads Guilty

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