Closures Coming to a Fishery Near You

Photo by Richard Simms at

We read a piece this morning from Richard Simms over on, the newspaper website for Chattanooga, Tenn., about the proposed closures of some areas along the Cumberland River in tailraces below the dams along the river. The closures by the Corps of Engineers are said to be under the precedence of safety in these areas, although there seems to be little evidence of dangerous situations created in these areas that involved anglers.

This comes on the heals of proposed changes to the recreational locking on the Arkansas River that would limit anglers from being able to lock from one pool to another in a day of fishing, tournaments or other such activities on the River.

These closures definitely warrant angler attention. While we purposely avoid political stances on, we do advocate contacting your representatives on issues you believe in. In fact, I would argue that corresponding with your legislators is more important than voting. They represent you and they need to know what you think on issues that affect you and your pasttimes and livlihood.

Kevin Short recently penned his opinion on the proposed lock changes along the Arkansas River, a place he has frequently fished for decades.

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