Boat Accident on Lake Tenkiller Injures Two Anglers

boat accident tenkiller

Two anglers are lucky to be alive after a boat accident early Saturday morning on Tenkiller Ferry Lake in Northeast Oklahoma. Two boats collided while running according to one report. One of the boats struck the other it appears from photos on the right side. The boat that went over the top apparently ejected the two passengers into the water and the two men in the boat that was struck in the side were both injured and/or knocked unconscious.

One of the men posted on Facebook after being unable to find the men who struck him and his partner’s boat when they made it back to the ramp where the first boat and passengers had been taken. After a plea on Facebook, and many concerned anglers sharing the injured party’s post, the other party also contacted the Oklahoma Highway Patrol.

Tenkiller boating accident

Bob Fair sustained serious injuries including blood on the brain, blood on one of his kidneys and a knee injury that may require surgery. Here is his account from his original Facebook post on Monday morning:

“I was in a bad accident that totaled my boat on Saturday on Lake Tenkiller. My partner was hurt and I’m still in the hospital and looking at knee surgery not to mention replacing my boat. I’m not looking for sympathy but I am looking for the guys that hit us. Their boat was still drivable. Some of my friends came up on the accident and helped them back to the boat ramp where they put in because they were ejected from their boat. After we got my boat loaded , Tracey and I drove to their ramp and they were gone. No messages and no attempts to contact me. Now I am laying in a hosptal bed with blood on my brain, blood around my right kidney and I can’t put any weight on my right knee. I will be contacting the Oklahoma Highway Patrol today to start a hit and run report.

Oklahoma Highway Patrol is investigating. We’re thankful to report that everyone survived the collision and being thrown into icy cold 47 degree water.
We post these news stories as much as a reminder to all anglers to exercise extreme caution and know the rules of the water before you operate a motor boat. And to also ALWAYS wear your life jacket when the boat is running. We have a resource page with the Rules of the Water and other safety tips for boating and fishing.
tenkiller boat accident
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