How to Keep Bass Alive in Livewells

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Keeping bass in a livewell during the hot months and keeping them alive in a livewell are too separate thoughts. We hate to see bass perish in a livewell when it can be easily avoided with a little forethought and effort. Alabama guide and professional angler Jon Henry has only lost 1 or 2 bass in more than 20 years of tournament fishing because he takes his livewell management so seriously. Here is a very thorough video on fish care in your livewells, especially during the summer months, to ensure you make it to the weigh-in with five bass all alive and healthy to fight another day.

This video covers everything from ice, aeration, additives, water levels, recooling and more. 

Products mentioned in this video:

T-H Marine Oxygenator

T-H Marine G-Juice

Please Release Me

EDITORS NOTE: Rejuvinade should not be used with The Oxygenator as the combination has been known to create a toxic build up that is lethal to the fish. G-Juice and Please Release me both work fine with Oxygenators to our knowledge. 

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