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Fishing is full of repetitive motion movements that can cause wear and tear on soft tissue and joints. Hands, wrists, shoulders, knees and even feet can bet taxed each time on the water and as we get older, it gets worse; I know several buddies who have quit fishing because they hurt too much. I will never do that but getting relief is high on my list.
When we age, aches and pains increase and it seems to worsen and comes on quicker and lasts longer after the activity. I personally am a testament to old athletes who want to stay competitive but when every joint is restricted, sore and stiff… it becomes a war of wills.
We have no problem buying rods and reels, a spinnerbait or line but getting a cream to help the soreness is most times an afterthought. Shots and steroids have run their course for me and I wanted to be religious about trying something that was more natural and derived from a plant.
I have tried it all from BenGay, to Watkins, to concoctions that should have been labeled “XXX” on the bottle and have read everything I can put my hands on about it all. Heck, some had ground pepper in them called “capsaicin” and the problem is it gets hotter than a two-dollar pistol in the sun. Some work well in the sun but others do not and you should be careful to know which ones are which.
For the record, I have replaced two hips, one knee, metal screws and plates in an ankle and my original equipment opportunities for replacement is waning. I am pill adverse and do not want something that just masks the pain for a short period of time but rather something I could count on for relief if I stayed on a regime of use.
I wanted to try CBD so the reading continued but I also did not want to take anything that contains THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in it. THC is a compound responsible for the “high” people associate with cannabis. CBD is a different cannabinoid but some do contain THC and some do not. I want the relief from the pain without the feeling of being “high” and that is why I have chosen Revital Outdoors CBD Sports Cream to take that edge off as it does not contain THC but is also rated high in pureness.
From the farming of the hemp plant to the refining, extraordinary care is taken to make sure it is the best product on the market and my experience echoes that. It is manufactured in Fort Collins, Colorado and they have a 30-day money-back guarantee. It is not a miracle cure for muscle and joints but it’s pretty darn close in my book. I also like the menthol smell, too.
This product has helped me feel so much better
For the record, I have read just about every review of other CBD products and felt Revital was the best choice. I have been using the sports cream and have yet to try the soft gels but talking to a lot of my angler buddies believe they will work just as well. Read carefully the uses for each when getting ready to purchase.
I have found using it (1000mg dose) before and after activity allows me to move better but also sleep better and overall feel better. My pain is due to swelling and of the joints and reducing that simply just makes me feel better overall. I also feel comfortable that they will not adversely impact any other body parts like kidneys and liver. Certificates of Analysis for Revital assures that what you get is exactly what it says on the packaging.
I am not a doctor but do have trusted orthopedic and wellness doctors to whom I speak and honestly have been told that each individual reacts differently to CBD and if they help, use them.
It’s clean and safe
Revital Outdoors produces some of the cleanest and safest CBD on the market and are free of THC, pesticides, heavy metal and mold as can be found in a few others on the market. They are also very transparent to their customers on what makes it better than other brands. I started using their heavier dosage in August and had a noticeable difference in how I felt within a day or two.
Since they are involved with the angling community and several professional anglers are also using it. So far I can tell you that I don’t ache as much, sleep better and have a peace of mind that although it won’t give me new joints, it does make the ones I have feel much better. I have noticed that it is better over time and the cumulative effort seems to be better after a period of use.
The bottom line is very simple. You can get relief without the effects of THC as Revital Outdoors has 0% THC and no side effects. That means a lot to me and you don’t have to worry about negatively impacting your job if tested using Revital Outdoors products.
I am a believer but you have to try it for yourself to see if it helps you. I recommend giving it a shot; I believe you will be happy you did. All of their products can be purchased at RevitalOutdoors.com.