John Neporadny
John Neporadny Jr. fished streams, rivers, and lakes throughout Missouri and Illinois as a youth. He started fishing at the Lake of the Ozarks in the 1970s and moved to the lake area in 1982. John also was a part-time guide on the lake for five years. He is also an accomplished tournament angler, having competed in bass and crappie tournaments on his home waters for more than 35 years.
John began free-lance writing part-time in 1981 when he had his first article published in BASSMASTER Magazine. The University of Missouri School of Journalism graduate left a newspaper editor position in 1983 to devote all of his time to writing about freshwater fishing, especially bass and crappie. Since then, his articles have appeared in several national and regional outdoor publications, including Field & Stream, BASSMASTER, B.A.S.S. Times, In-Fisherman, BASSIN'’, CRAPPIE World, Wired2fish, and Fishin' Magazine.
John began free-lance writing part-time in 1981 when he had his first article published in BASSMASTER Magazine. The University of Missouri School of Journalism graduate left a newspaper editor position in 1983 to devote all of his time to writing about freshwater fishing, especially bass and crappie. Since then, his articles have appeared in several national and regional outdoor publications, including Field & Stream, BASSMASTER, B.A.S.S. Times, In-Fisherman, BASSIN'’, CRAPPIE World, Wired2fish, and Fishin' Magazine.